this entry is not about Genting Highland... actually next week all 4th years biomedians will present our thesis in front of lecturers and friends... hectic time... so many things to settle before next week... my time is running out... so please junior... do not delay your works until the final count down...try to finish your thesis writing as soon as possible.. i do not start my chapter 5 yet... teruk kan??? T,T need to work harder and harder... please pray for me yah...
owh ya... i just read something in Tazkirah group just now... like it very much... wanna share it with u guys... should remind ourselves about this over and over again... because we are human... iman naik turun... and sooo do i... please do remind me back if i'm forgotten...Salam ukhuwah...=)
Pesanan imam hassan al-banna:"Bacalah al-quran,atau telaahlah tafsirnya atau dengarkanlah bacaannya atau zikirlah kpd Allah dan janganlah engkau gunakan waktumu utk hal-hal yg tak berfaedah"
"Allah adalah tujuan kami..Rasulullah saw teladan kami..Al-Quran pedoman hidup kami..Jihad adalah jalan juang kami..Mati di jalan Allah adalah cita2 kami tertinggii.."
-Shoutul Harokah-
samalah pqah..amat menyeksa diri wat last minute...
mari bekerja bersama2 mashi.. we can do it insyaALLAH...
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