after 3 and a half years being UKM KKL student
although i has to go through the optometry clinic when going to class
but...this is my 1st time
after 3 and a half years being UKM KKL student
although i has to go through the optometry clinic when going to class
but...this is my 1st time
having a date with an optometrist...
almost 2hours spending time with her
almost 2hours spending time with her
my eyes in good condition
ok tipu
my left eye have a lil prob
hehe... sikit jak...
long sightedness
like the elders
oh no!!!
ok tipu
my left eye have a lil prob
hehe... sikit jak...
long sightedness
like the elders
oh no!!!
say no to glasses
errrr.... i hate glasses...=(
I hate glasses too. Unfortunately they've been my faithful companion for the last 12 years...:(
last 12 years...??? such a long time...huhu...r u using contact lens??? must be so rajin to wear that kan??? so no choice la...have to be 'specky' lorh...huhu
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